Builders Of The Future
<p><strong>SJIF 2021-5.691, 2022-5.752</strong></p> <p>The scientific-methodical journal – “Builders of the future" aims to inform the general public about the latest research, methodological manuals, innovative projects of teachers focused on improving the quality of education, teaching system in our country. Our main goal is to widely promote the scientific and methodological works of teachers, specialists and students working in boarding schools, special schools and higher education institutions, as well as general secondary schools.</p>SupportScience LLCen-USBuilders Of The Future2181-2705BIRLAMCHI GIPOTIREOZGA EGA BEMORLARDA YOSHGA QARAB VEGETATIV ASAB TIZIMINING ZARARLANISHI
<p>Birlamchi gipotireoz – bu endokrin kasallik bo‘lib, organizmning turli tizimlariga, jumladan, vegetativ asab tizimiga (VAT) sezilarli ta’sir ko‘rsatadi. Gipotireozda VAT zararlanishi yurak-qon tomir, nafas olish va boshqa tizimlarning boshqaruvida buzilishlar bilan namoyon bo‘ladi (1,2,3). Bemorning yoshi ushbu buzilishlarning og‘irligiga muhim ta’sir ko‘rsatishi mumkin, bu esa mazkur mavzuni o‘rganish ahamiyatini oshiradi.</p>N. ArtikоvM.A. Bahadirova
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